Did you even know..
what a krumkake is?
Me either. BUT of course you can get a Krumkake baker at Target. They want to make sure that at any moment that you may be craving this Scandinavian delight that you can have one. Complete with authentic wooden cone to mold your krumkakes. You can have two 5" golden krumkakes in 5 seconds apparently.
WRAP it up with the desk Target Corp. STT just got a mention on Wonkette. That is all I am gonna say.
Well maybe I will say this- I feel like Christian Slater's character in Pump Up the Volume (if you have not seen this movie you must- click below to get it from Amazon/Target) where he has that steamy/controversial night time radio show and no one knows it's him. It SO makes me forget that it is saturday night and I am doing this.$13.48 at Target