Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fisher Price + Dwell Studio + Target = Love!

Department: Baby

Having recently given birth to our first child, we have already purchased (and over-purchased) the gear that we thought we needed to get him through his first year. In shopping for the "must haves," deemed as such by our well-meaning friends and family, we were disappointed to find some things ranked high on the ugly/annoying scale. The baby swing and bouncy seat were the worst offenders - too gadgety and Ugly (note the capital U). But, we bought them anyway, not wanting to be caught unprepared at two in the morning when baby Hank decided mama's arms don't mean a thing 'cause they ain't got that swing.

But now I see this collection and wish we had held out a little bit longer (just for the record, we use the bouncy seat and swing every single day, so at least they were not a waste of money). The trifecta of Fisher Price for reliability, Dwell Studio for coolness, and Target for, you know, hooking us all up with the cool stuff at fair prices, makes for some good looking baby wares. Check em out

They are even available in store, so your mother-in-law can't complain that she went "all the way to Target" to get something from your registry (an hour before your baby shower) and looked everywhere but just couldn't find anything you asked for because you had registered for everything online. Not that that happened to me or anything...