New Target Brand Diapers. Not Improved Though
Department: Baby
So packaging is important and all, trust me- I brand companies for a living.
The new and improved packaging on the Target diapers is great, and modern however I don't like the following:
1. the diapers aren't white anymore, they are blue and green dots which shows through my daughters summer clothing
2. when my daughter pees the cotton immediately breaks up and she feels wet and takes it off
3. i miss the old Target diapers.
why? why did you have to change the only diapers in the world that worked for my kid? ugh. early potty training here we come!
Moms- what do you think of the new Target brand diapers?
My original thought was "meh." But the price per diaper went up. They aren't that much cheaper than Luvs. The tabs are harder to use too. Not impressed.
We Make You Stupid, on Thursday, June 11, 2009
we were buying the target brand (b4 the re-branding) for our daughter after i noticed it was cheaper than buying Luvs. Haven't used the "new" version yet. Maybe i'll just go back to Luvs if the quality is just so-so and the price isn't that much difference from Luvs. thanx for the review.
Prasti, on Thursday, June 11, 2009
I absolutely agree and was waiting for this topic to show up here. We switched to Target brand diapers when my son was a newborn and they were the only ones that didn't leak. I was thrilled that they were also among the least expensive on the shelf and had a low profile look without obnoxious character branding. But I too have noticed the "clumping" upon getting wet and the lesser-quality tabs. Oh, well, maybe this is the kick in the pants, no pun intended, that we need to start potty training.
Arin, on Thursday, June 11, 2009
Clumping,hmmm, didn't think about that. Maybe that's why my twins have been ripping off their diapers at nap time. I'd prefer the old packaging with the old price, you now get about 10 diapers less for the same price and before.
Unknown, on Thursday, June 11, 2009
We loved the old ones. I'm talking Care Bear, not bugs. The bug diapers were all right, but leaked on and off and had that print all over them, okay for my boy, but I just had a girl.
Now, there's no way I would use them for my girl. The print is light, but still dark enough to see through her clothes.
I haven't had any leakage problems with the new ones so far with my boy, but we've only used them for 3 days so far.
I'm sticking with brand name diapers on sale now.
Cheryl, on Thursday, June 11, 2009
I went back to Luv's. I just got a pack from Publix and I am really liking them and they are cheaper.
Melissa, on Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wow, I am so impressed with all of the response to this post! Thank you all so much
RedCartRomance, on Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I'm late...but we were a stricly Huggies family after the babies grew out of the cozy Pampers swaddlers, and I wanted to save some money, so I went with the Target brand. NOT a fan! They are so hard and when she's wet it's like a brick in her pants, poor baby. Also not a fan of the polka dots, and I'm sad about it...I so wanted it to be super. =(
Liz, on Saturday, June 20, 2009
I'll be the black sheep. I like the new Target diapers. I bought them in a pinch on a trip, otherwise I may not have ever tried them again. I'd tried them before they made the change and hated them. So I went to Luvs. As a Luvs user I was acutally surpised with the absorbancy of the new Target diapers. A size 4 luvs will not make it through the night on my daughter. I was acutally buying a small package of Luvs sz 5 just for night time. But the size 4 Target dipes definitely do the job, no more buying 2 different sized diapers. I will agree that the print is a bit bold for under some of the lighter clothes, but overall I'm not bothered by it. I like the wide tabs and haven't had any problems with them. The diaper itself seems larger for a size 4 than a Luvs sz 4 and stays in place a bit better. Overall my opinion is that they are great. I haven't found anything wrong with them. Once I get the time to compare the price per diaper, I will decide if this is going to be a permanent switch.
dishka, on Monday, June 22, 2009
I'm with ya as the "black sheep", I LOVE LOVE LOVE the target brand diapers. I never tried the old ones tho. I have tried Luvs however and I HATED THEM!!! We had a blowout literally everytime my little boy made a messy diaper. And I've been using target for a week now and nothin'! :) I think they are great. They absorb well so he can make it through the night. And they hold it all in well! They are, as my dad said, a little "fruity" looking with the polka dots. But I think they're cute and being a boy my little one doesn't wear light clothes very often. So yeah, all in all I freakin' love them! I mean, I love Huggies more...they are awesome. But really these are about half as much and work almost just as well. Love them!
Abz, on Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I also LOVE the new Target diapers. I used the old ones, with the frog design for a while on my daughter. They were okay, but didn't seem to have any stretch at the sides. They started fitting her oddly after she started crawling, so we switched back to Huggies, which as far as premium brands go are my number one choice. I decided to try the new redesigned Target ones now that she is older, and I think they are wonderful. They cost more than the old Target diapers, but less than my Huggies, so I'm a happy mom.
Unknown, on Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I hate that they have the pattern all over them. I find myself starting to put them on backwards and having to rearrange. Not great with a wiggly kid.
Has anyone else used the pull-up type training pants that Target makes? I like that they have the velcro sides, but find they cost more than pull-ups (the only other brand with velcro) if I have a coupon.
lemontree, on Wednesday, August 05, 2009
The new Target diapers are truly lame. I have also noticed the clumping when wet issue. It gets heavy and hard, like paper mache. I wouldn't enjoy having what probably feels like a bag of rocks strapped to my crotch either. We're back to Huggies. The old style Target diapers were cheaper and worked.
geekdave, on Saturday, August 08, 2009
I have a little boy, and I think the new Target diapers work great. I was a Pampers lover, but with the recession I had to cut corners and decided to try these. I really LOVE these diapers.
Triple J, on Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I love the diapers. The top of the back of the diapers now have an accordian lining...which keeps pee and poop in. It's better than the old diapers. Much more updated. LOVE IT. The feel better too... not as flimsy as the old ones.
The Rose Family, on Monday, October 19, 2009
I just found the 1 dollar off coupon at the Target website, and I need to try out these diapers. I just bought Huggies at 5.99 per pack at Walgreens today (after coupons), so I'll have to see how much the Target brand actually is.
So far my favorite diapers for the little one are Walgreen's and CVS.
J Rodney, on Monday, November 09, 2009
I love Target diapers. I have not had problems with clumping. I think the polka dots are fun! I have little boys which I dress in dark colors. I did have to buy huggies for my youngest's baptism...the dots showed through his white christening outfit. The one thing I would like to change about them is that they either put the size on the outside (it's currently on the tab in small print) or change the color for each size. I had two in diapers for a while and ended up buying Luvs for one son and Target for the other, just to tell the two sizes apart. I am always get $2 off coupons when I buy some for my next purchase - love saving even more money!
hollster, on Saturday, November 28, 2009
I think they are amazing for my 4 month old little boy.
Sarah Lichtman, on Monday, January 11, 2010
i personally have never had a problem with them and have been using them (or the pullups) non-stop for the last 4 years (2 kids in 3 years). when i had newborns, i used Pampers because they were smaller than the Target brand. but as soon as i could, i moved them into the Target brand - hello price difference!! i have never had a problem with the actual diapers themselves, but i do agree that i had "sticker shock" when they changed from the bullseye to UP & UP. seriously, Target, you thought we wouldn't catch on? i do agree about the all over print, too. i miss the Care Bears, the polka dots seem to show through my girls' diaper covers when wearing dresses. however, i really can't complain about that. i am saving $ compared to national brands, they aren't cardboard hard like Walmart's store brand, and they end up in the trash can anyway! (ps. the Target pullups are fab!)
kodie, on Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I absolutely LOVE Target Brand Diapers! I have had very few leaks, usually when I've had to move up a size because my son is growing. They fit wonderfully. I recommend them to all my mom friends.
Ellen, on Monday, May 31, 2010
I know! I thought the diapers got kind of hard and chunky when they got wet. They were great before. We've gone on to Huggies from Costco or because they give you "bucks". We've got twins so we go through a lot.
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