Department: Girly Stuff

So, not a HUGE fan of Hello Kitty. This is not because I don't think it's cute because it is in a bubblegum way, it's more because I really never had any of it growing up and neither did any of my friends. I am a child of the 80's, but I swear either there was no Hello Kitty merch around my town growing up or my mother was just really good at keeping it away from me. Between you and me I don't think she digs the kitty. Mom, if you are reading this- it's ok, it's no big deal.
Anyway, I got a note from a loyal STT in my trusty email box saying that the waffle maker by Hello Kitty at is pretty cute. I bet it is. I went to and put in "hello kitty" into the search box and found 72 or so products! Now, I don't really have a spot for the kitty in my house but if you are bubbly and Lisa Loeb like, I bet you can find use for this and pull it off. Excuse my while I go on a Lisa Loeb tangent for a moment. Here it goes:
Do you all watch her new show on E!? #1 Single? It's a good show- sometimes I can even talk my hubby into watching it, only because he is a musician and I think he really likes to watch it because LL is cute, but he pretends it's for the music. She is cute, I love her style, her voice (singing not talking), her cute NYC apartment, but what I don't love is her picky dating attitude. I know that she is a special person but she is becoming such a weirdo about this whole dating thing. She is so talented and pretty and smart but her confidence SUCKS on these dates and honey please- if my friend and sister who BTW are single but pretending to be love guru's told me not to pay for anything on a date and bossed me around I would be like "whatever"! I almost died of embarassment for LL when she had that poor guy pay for her Container Store purchase of over $350 of shit for her new pad on their date! WTF was that? Is she that Duh?
Ok so off my tangent, much love to LL but gosh! Anyway- Lisa Loeb loves Hello Kitty, on one episode she was gifted a Hello Kitty Rice Cooker on the Isaac Mizrahi Show (love it). It looks all cute in her kitchen but like I said, it's a bit tough to pull off.
Here are some cute things that if I was the easy-bake, cat glasses, pigtail, cupcake type, I would certainly display proudly in my home. That generalization is not meant to be an insult, I sincerely wish I was a pocket sized little cutie so I could pull off the whole Hello Kitty thing. Click on the pics for more.