Velcro Rollers- SCORE
Department: $1 Spot
So I hit the big T for the first time in a couple weeks yesterday, I know, I know the shame. What does a STT do first? Hit the $1 spot for some orgasmic frivolous shopping. I was SO tempted by the cute Easter stuff however, I had to remind myself that I am not festive and make no plans to be. I did however score Velcro Rollers.
Question- how do I use them? They did not include instructions. I know in my hair duh, but on wet hair and blow it dry? Dry hair and blow on it? I have no idea. I do believe that velcro rollers are the key to my success though. All of the people who have the most exquisite hair in the world seem to own velcro rollers.
So please ladies- or gents- tell me how to use my new beauty find.
- Red Cart Romance
Oh my God! I am a Target whore! Love your blog.
Amazon Alanna, on Thursday, March 09, 2006
I like to put dry hair in Velcro rollers and then take a shower and let the steam get into my hair while it's rolled up. (But DON'T stick your head under the spray. That would be counter-productive.)
I blogged about Target today. I go there so much I know who the plain-clothes cops are. Can anyone else say that? HUH?
Deana Nall, on Thursday, March 09, 2006
I'm with Laurabelle. Also, sometimes I put them in my dry hair after spraying the roots with a volumizer-type spray gel. Then, I hit each one with about a 10-second blast of blow-dryer heat and let cool (also while I put on makeup). Take them out and either comb smooth for a sleek sophisticated look or just finger comb for a sexier disheveled look. It takes a little time, but the results are worth it.
Jezer, on Thursday, March 09, 2006
IF you're so inclined, you can roll up your (not too damp) hair before you go to bed. Leave them in. It takes practice but you can get used to it.
They'll look a little messy in the AM, but you can put every loose curl into place with some hair spray.
Not for the faint of heart, but it works for short hair!
CLS, on Friday, March 10, 2006
I blow dry my hair totally and THEN put the rollers in to set my hair. Sometimes if I'm lazy and just want a cute ponytail, I'll blow dry my hair, pull it back into a ponytail, roll my hair up into one big curl, and clip the inside of the curl with a standard hair clip. I leave it like that for a little while and when I take the clip out, I've got a curly, bouncy pony tail! Good luck!
Anonymous, on Friday, March 10, 2006
Because of the Velcro Roller blog, I got myself to SuperTarget in Austin, TX this morning in hopes of finding them in the One Spot. Sadly, not only did I not find them in the One Spot, but didn't find them in the Health & Beauty section! My hair may not get to be bouncy any time soon, but my wallet left a lot lighter!
Adrienne, on Saturday, March 11, 2006
Thank you all SO much for your advice. I am currently testing all methods. I love my new bouncy hair. My DH thinks it's too "newscaster-ish" F him.I am a new woman.
RedCartRomance, on Sunday, March 12, 2006
Be careful not to pull as you unroll. It causes a lot of split ends. Happy bouncy hair!
Robin, on Sunday, March 12, 2006
i bought the same rollers from the dollar spot! i was so excited when i saw them. i'm trying them for the first time now. hopefully it'll work.
Patricia, on Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Go to for info re "Fab Soft-Set Techniques" a DVD that demo's gorgeous uses for Velcro Hair Rollers.
rover, on Saturday, October 11, 2008
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