I Know You Are Curious
Department: Food
You have seen the ads for Smartfood and the catchy packaging. Well there was a well merchandised end-cap of this yummy snack treat that I spotted during my last trip and $3 didn't seem like too much to try it out (trying it is my job anyway right?) so I did.
I chose the Honey/MultiGrain one because I don't dig Cranberry which was the other flavor option. Cranberry Almond to be exact. The Honey/Multigrain tasted less like honey and more like carmel which is alright with me! So it is like crackerjacks. No peanuts, just sticky popcorn that gets all stuck in your molars. Good stuff though. They call it health food, which is probably pretty true. Even the box is natural according to the promotional copy. The flavor I didn't see was Chocolate Cookie Caramel Pecan. I would have LOVED to try that. I wouldn't have had to stand and stare at the 2 other choices and decide which I wanted to try. There are 5 small bags in each box- natural box.
They were handing out samples of this today at my local Target. I had the honey one as well, not too bad.
Shannon, on Saturday, May 09, 2009
it *sounds* good, but the fact that there are audible chewing noises on the commercials makes me want to boycott. you know, or at least write them a strongly worded letter. ;)
rachie, on Sunday, May 10, 2009
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