Giddy Up What?
Ok sorry to rain on the Issac parade but I really really need to get this off of my chest. In no way is this a anti-love of Target post but seriously- what is up with Jodphers? Riding boots? Are you serious?
I can't handle it. I am willing to wager that I will see a lot of these left over through the Fall at my local Target stores and on a sad rack with tiny red stickers saying $3.49 on them by the time the holidays roll around.
If you think that this style is a YEAH! Leave your comments below at the beep. IF you think this style is a NAY! Leave your comments below at the beep.
- The people at Target are watching so let's show them what Target Addicts really want. Hey, if I am wrong I will buy a pair and take a picture and show you my fat ass in the most unflattering cut I can imagine. If you bought these and you think you look HOT- send a pic and I will post it. We will give a prize to the hottest looking jodpher wearing Slave To Target.
Nay all the way.
CJ, on Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Is that a button or snap at the bottom of the leg????
~ J ~, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005
It's no wonder the model has her hands on her hips. Sheesh.
Mary, on Wednesday, August 10, 2005
what i really want from target is clothes that don't shrink.
wash the cotton, people, before you sew with it.
Anonymous, on Thursday, August 11, 2005
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