Nused shopping bag
Department: Reuse
The latest reusable shopping bag to hit Target is made from recycled plastic shopping bags
Very cool design. At $5.99, they are a little more expensive than the red tote bags sold (it appears) in most stores across the country, but hey - they may be a nice memento to show your grandkids someday when plastic bags no longer exist!
*Tanyetta*, on Thursday, April 17, 2008
but there was some weird promotion - buy a newsweek, stuff all your old target bags into the cover, send it back to them, and get a "free" bag. sounds like a lot of work...
Phyllis Sommer, on Thursday, April 17, 2008
I already have a "fleet" of the red totes in various sizes for my grocery shopping. I'll have to try this one out!:-)
Sarah, on Thursday, April 17, 2008
This is great! I'm actually really apathetic about the whole "green" movement. I just don't like having all those grocery bags at my house, so I've been reusing them for that purpose alone.
Dan, on Thursday, April 17, 2008
Not really a lot of work to stuff the bags into the Newsweek cover and actually kind of fun.
Of course, make sure and recycle the rest of the Newsweek magazine when you're done.
Calluna, on Friday, April 18, 2008
Way too expensive. Whole Foods sells a comparable bag--also made from recycled plastic--for 99 cents.
Anonymous, on Tuesday, April 29, 2008
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