Oops My Bad
Um, oops. I must have stuck this in my handbag when I was shuffling into the changing room and making the attendant swear to not giveaway my -cart which I had already filled to the brim with goodies. A few days later I found this tag that was totally not supposed to leave the premises in my bag.
Should I try and sneak it back in? Has this every happened to you? I mean seriously I have enough going on- if they want me to return this little card (smaller in real life) to the attendant they should attach a hanger or something to it. This just goes to show the "attendant" isn't doing much attending or she would have figured out that I still had it.
I would just be honest and go up to the attendant and say you accidentally took it with you. If they don't believe you, point them to STT and there's the proof!
Valerie, on Monday, February 25, 2008
Drop it off at customer service as soon as you go in the door. Say, "I found this in my bag when I got home." Leave it at that.
Stephanie, on Monday, February 25, 2008
or i keep it as a souvenier right? lol
RedCartRomance, on Monday, February 25, 2008
You are not going to get in trouble for an honest mistake. I'd just bring it along on your next trip and drop it off. You are right though, the attendant should have caught the fact that you didn't return it.
Dan, on Monday, February 25, 2008
or you keep it as a souveneir.
I'm sure they don't really care.
The Modern Gal, on Thursday, February 28, 2008
Totally keep it. And if you feel too guilty, mail it to me. I am such a klepto for random things like that!
.Nicotine.Queen., on Thursday, March 06, 2008
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