Target hearts the UK
Department: Beauty
Wal-mart has carried the Rimmel line for years. I was quite shocked, actually, when the store started carrying such a sophisticated product line. I'm a big fan of the nail polish.
Not as shocked, but happy to see Target expanding its love of the UK after the Soap & Glory line, our fave store has now started carrying a plethora of beauty products distributed by the UK-based health and beauty retailer, Boots
I haven't tried any of the products yet, but like I said before - I'm, a sucker for anything that makes my beauty routine feel more cosmopolitan.
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Wendy, on Monday, March 10, 2008
I used to live in the UK and am SO HAPPY to see Boots at Target - they're stuff is the BEST! It's been in our stores out here in LA for a year or so now, though. I thought it was all over. Maybe not. Either way, you'll love their stuff.
Heather Teysko, on Monday, March 10, 2008
Oh you'll love Boots, the products are really nice. I love that Target has testers for most items. I use their night cream and eye cream and they're great.
Wendy, on Monday, March 10, 2008
I recently bought Boots No. 7 mascara. I'm really impressed with the product. I have chronic issues with mascara and eye liner smudging on my lower lid or in the corner of my eye, especially when I rub my top lid, not even touching my lashes (I wear contacts). Well, no more racoon eyes.... other than from the usual suspects :)
Anonymous, on Monday, March 10, 2008
I love the Restore & Renew stuff. It's awesome.
I also have their cleansers. I haven't gotten any of the makeup, but I'm hoping to try it. We've had it here for about a year now.
Andie, on Monday, March 10, 2008
I must live in a testing market because we've had Boots at our Super Targets for a few years. I've been very pleased with the Boots products I've purchased.
Cat, on Sunday, March 16, 2008
I haven't tried the Boots line yet, but I love the scent and the quality of the Soap and Glory products, specifically the "Scrub of Your Life" and "Clean on Me."
Jenny, on Monday, March 17, 2008
Oh my! I just found your blog. I love it! I love Target! I love you! I am so happy -- I am going to spend my kids' naptime going back through your archive to see what I've been missing all this time. Then, when they wake up, we'll run to Target, of course!
Courtney, on Monday, March 17, 2008
Your blog is so awesome! I love the title and I LOVE TARGET!!
Anonymous, on Wednesday, March 19, 2008
My husband is English and I lived in the UK for 6 years...I cannot tell you how happy I was to see products from The Sanctuary on the shelves at Target when I was back in the States for Christmas. I know lots of 'spa' items aren't really from true spas, but believe me when I say The Sanctuary stuff is real. It's a not-so-exclusive-but-very-pricey women's-only day spa in the heart of central London, and the 'Mande Lular' and other orange-colored products on Targets shelves are EXACTLY what's used within the spa itself. You can only get their 'special' products direct from the spa (website, but the stuff Target has is true London spa. Heaven!
Thank you for your wonderful blog.
The DutchMac Tribe, on Friday, March 28, 2008
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