Do you have GO?
We just love all of you so much and appreciate you spilling the beans to us or telling us of a great find at Target. Recently we got an email from a very excited STT who is jumping up and down about Target's new-ish decision to feature 90 day rotations of guest designers. Wow, 90 days so um does that mean that when the designer surfaces and all their items are new we will know to wait 89 days and then buy everything on clearance? Yoo Hoo Target- we are smart, don't forget and we are ruthless about those little red tags.
Either way I am stoked. First up is Luella Bartley designer extraordinaire. Famous for her handbag that rocked pop culture a year or so ago and is still a hot list item. Maybe we will get a leatherette version at Target?
photo: neiman marcus
Checkout info on "GO" HERE If you are a total spazafashionsta (yes I made that word up) you can get email or text alerts when new designers hit the shelves. HERE
Oh, oooh! I'm excited!
Candice, on Thursday, January 26, 2006
Having the behind-the-scenes access, I have seen the LUella line already. They cant be put out before the 29th, so look for them soon after that.
The designs are a little less crazy than the Fiorucci line. My favorite was a baby blue button up shirt and a really nice leather jacket (149.99).
I havent seen any purses yet, but I do hope they have one similiar to the one pictured. I saw it, loved it, and then was sad when I realized it didnt come from :(
Laurie, on Thursday, January 26, 2006
i am SOO looking forward to the luella line!!
krysten, on Saturday, January 28, 2006
I shopped the Luella display in Portland OR this morning and came away with the large cherry print bikini, a red striped blazer (one for daughter and one for me - we live in different states) and a white polo with puff sleeves & a cheery on it! They had just put it out last night, I'm assuming, since there was at least one of everything in every size. It's fun - funky - and no purse as pictured in your blog.
Cary Perkins, on Monday, January 30, 2006
I didn't think that there would be (or say that there would be) a version of the Luella Bag pictured in the post, but the cherries and stripes sound even better! Besides, that bag is SO last year.
RedCartRomance, on Monday, January 30, 2006
Didnt see a purse like the one pictured. There are some purses but they arent even close to that one in design.
Laurie, on Tuesday, January 31, 2006
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