Do you ever think that maybe there are just too many choices?
I do.
I get sucked in, especially online. I could sit for hours and look at the Target website but see something I like, go back the next day and it's no where to be found. It boggles my mind. Either their navigation stinks or they are uploading and deleting items while I am getting my beauty sleep.
For instance. Want a black tote to throw your crap in? Use as a mag rack or something? Which are you going to choose?
This one?
No, no, this one for sure....
Nope, it's this one..... I think.
See what I mean. For gosh sakes people it's a black box covered in leather. Leave it to my love Target to make it a life altering decision for me.
I have the first (magazine) tote, except in brown.
*, on Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Shoot I just bought a magazine holder like the brown one, looks almost the same and since it did not come from Target I bet mine cost a lot more :(
TaraMetBlog, on Friday, February 03, 2006
I saw somewhere (a mag? someone's house?) using one of these (dark brown) to hold towels (slate blue) in the guest bath on the counter... it looked really cute.
Lisa Riley, on Wednesday, February 08, 2006
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