The Trunk Is In the House
Department: Storage
I got the trunk that I blogged about a few short days ago. It arrived faster than the tracking said it would and voila! It is filled with toys and there is no longer any sign in our living room that a child lives there. Or two for that matter. Mission accomplished!
Now I will just wait for one of my brothers in law to come over and think it's a bench.
For now we love it!
Pardon the shitty phone camera shot. You would think the Blackberry Bold would take better photos but no.
Just wondered something...does the trunk have any pokey edges? I can't usually find any like this that don't have some broken spokes poking out.
Kelly, on Tuesday, March 17, 2009
very very cool.
*Tanyetta*, on Tuesday, March 17, 2009
no pokey edges so far....
RedCartRomance, on Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hummm...I'm searching blogs and trying to find a Target blog, but not sure if they actually have one. I found this and a Target Sucks blog. Does anyone know if there's a Target blog somewhere?
For a fortune 30 company, they are hard to find...
Unknown, on Monday, March 23, 2009
i have the same trunk from a few years back that we store costumes in. good purchase.
Christin, on Monday, March 30, 2009
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