Target to have giant Tea Party?
Department: Things that make me go Hmmm
One of our beloved fans who is a blogger in her own right sent us an image that has us wondering too if Target is going to move into the old Filene's Basement in Boston. She thought maybe this was the case when in the area of the iconic store this past week she spotted what could only be described as an odd event. Scooters bearing Target logos....
They look like Chariots to me, very greek, very sexy! Just kidding.
thanks Always Anna for the picture!
The little scooters definitely look like chariots - the friend I was with thought they looked like the racing chariots from Ben Hur!
alwaysanna, on Monday, August 14, 2006
They look like Segways to me ;)
Stephanie, on Monday, August 14, 2006
Segways advertising Target! Too damned cool.
ThatBeeGirl, on Monday, August 14, 2006
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