Friday, October 17, 2008

The Office in the $1 (or more) Spot

Department: Dollar Spot

I love it when Target gets hip to popular tv shows and movies in the $1 (or more) spot. Way back a couple of years ago I scored many a Napoleon Dynamite magnet and notepad.

Currently they have funny things from NBC's The Office like this Employee of the Year Mug and The Dunder Mifflin notepad. I didn't scoop these up since I don't watch The Office (I know GASP!) but I took some photos from my crackberry's crappy camera to share with you my devoted fans.

So if you like The Office (Which I know my husband and I would be totally addicted to if we had watched it from day one but now it is just too much trouble) go and grab a mug and a notepad and pretend make everyone stare at your cubical with envy.


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