Target Rescue My Kid from My Un-Festiveness at Halloween
Department: Halloween
Yes Un-festiveness is a word. I just made it up.
I am not festive, everyone knows this. I am also the worst mom ever because my 14 month old still doesn't have a Halloween costume.
Has anyone found anything cute at Target? Please leave comments. Target employees please weigh in and tell me where in the store to look. She is 14 months but probably needs a 18-24 month costume. We live in a cold climate so I am looking for something warmer than a fairy princess or something. Her big sister is going to be a Hamburger. Anyone see a small Ketchup or Mustard outfit? There are not many more shopping days until Halloween. In fact we actually need something by this Saturday the 25th!
At our store we are condensing all of our costumes down to prepare for Christmas. We do not have much of a selection at this point and I do not think we are going to get anymore in.
Your best bet is to see if you can find something on and get expedited shipping. I have not seen any ketchup or other condiments in stores. They have a lot better selection online.
Jana, on Monday, October 20, 2008
I saw a really cute hot dog costume in the pet section of my SuperTarget today. It was clearanced to $8.49. My 5-year-old pointed it out and thought it was hilarious. Not quite sure how the dog costumes translate to human bodies, but it might be worth a shot.
The Queen of Krinkeland, on Monday, October 20, 2008
How about a red or yellow sweatsuit-based outfit for a ketchup or mustard costume? (Cute idea to go with the burger, btw!)
Lola, on Monday, October 20, 2008
our 14-month-old is going as a ladybug in a Target dog costume (the costume is a ladybug costume for a smallish dog). Good luck!
Sally, on Monday, October 20, 2008
Not sure if this is what you wanted to hear but they had a fry costume at PBK and ketchup candy bags. Sold out online but if you have a store near you try there.
J&J's Mommy, on Monday, October 20, 2008
Our 17-mo is going as Lil red riding hood (Daddy will be the wolf & g'ma is coming to visit also!!)
At there is the cutest Lobster costume ($48), a blue Wabbit costume ($15), Dancing Frog ($15), Pig in a Blanket ($20) And a couple of cute costumes on clearance! Check 'em out!!
But the adorable sock monkey is out of stock!!
Major.Sunshine, on Monday, October 20, 2008
What did you send up getting? I felt the costume choices for kids were rather lacking this year, actually. I went elsewhere to find my boys' costumes.
Jill, on Friday, October 24, 2008
I got the Kitty from Old Navy LOL. I was there, it was there. etc etc
RedCartRomance, on Friday, October 24, 2008
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