I think the infatuation is a lot about the
I know a bit about marketing... I mean HELLO look around and I don't even work for Target. Maybe some day they will bring me on as a trend specialist or something fancy but for right now I will just do my part to counsel my fellow Target addicts and justify my own purchases.
Recent salivations have revolved around a delish photo of a shelf unit on the Target homepage that just makes me want to get organized and this cake stand, well I had to have it. I DO have it and right now it is home to a few cupcakes. I mean, for the love of slaves it's only $9.99!
What else am I drooling over? Hmmm well since you asked:
I dig a good gaucho: Not quite available yet but I can still wish.
I will take one of these in each color only $29.99!
Ok I am done for now. Be back later. I have a "real" job you know....
That cake stand can be flipped over and used for a punch bowl...or a trifle bowl. A sound investment!
M'Lynn, on Thursday, August 25, 2005
Thanks Marcy! I actually also have a trifle bowl... I want to be able to have my cake and eat it too...
Yes Maddie, I think that you do need that purse.
Anonymous, on Thursday, August 25, 2005
Hello, my name is dangerlucy. I am a slave to Target. LOVE THIS BAG!!! I did not see this last night when I was at Target (of course, I didn't look at bags for fear of spending too much money.)
Next paycheck means a Target run!
Anonymous, on Thursday, August 25, 2005
I am a store manager at Target. At our recent National Stores Meeting, your blog was highlighted by the marketing department. The slavery is reciprocal, we are slaves to great guests like you!
Anonymous, on Friday, August 26, 2005
Yeah, I have that cake stand...and a trifle bowl...and a punch bowl.
I like to pretend my purchases are sooooo necessary. :)
M'Lynn, on Saturday, August 27, 2005
Yes - our Executive Vice President of Marketing thinks your site rocks - it was in his presentation at the National Stores meeting.
The holidays are coming! Target will be happy 'red shirted' slaves to all of you wonderful Target shoppers! Thank you for loving Target as much as we all enjoy working for such a Fast, Fun and Friendly workplace!
Anonymous, on Wednesday, August 31, 2005
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