Coming Out From Under My Rock
Department: I am still here
So sorry about my slackage lately. Very very busy girl. I feel like there is not much for me to write about as nothing on is exciting me these days however I still manage to hit my local store and drop about $150 a week on items I absolutely have to have. Why is the cool stuff in the store not on the web so that I can show you? UGH
I like this though. Don't need it since I have central air but it reminds me of these fans that they used in my gym in highschool while I took my SAT's. So retro 60's. Eventhough I graduated from highschool in the 90's.
I would almost rather have this cool fan (pardon the pun) than central air.
Glad to see a new post. I do adore that style of fan.
Blogs are like drugs. You can't start giving it to us on a regular basis just to rip it away.
I mean that in a nice way.
Robyn, on Wednesday, June 28, 2006
I know it's gotta be hectic to try to come up with new stuff. The fan is cool, tho. Even the last couple of times I went it was the same stuff in the dollar bins. But I did buy the softest towels ever from the Thomas O'Brien collection.
Once we are midway through summer I'm sure they'll have lots of cool new stuff.
I still love you anyway.
Girlgoyles, on Wednesday, June 28, 2006
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Girlgoyles, on Wednesday, June 28, 2006
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