Tara Jarmon
Department: For Skinny Girls
My inside sources tell me that the new Tara Jarmon line is for skinny girls only, this is yet to be determined as I have to get my fat A$$ to a Target and try some stuff on, but hey, if we can't wear her clothes we can still wear her cool dot bags and headbands!!! I like them, they are really cute.
What do you think of the new line? Have you tried it?
I snagged the short sleeved cardigan with the bows on the sleeves. The XL managed to fit over the girls, so there is some hope.
The skirts are just as short as the Luella skirts. Actually, the sizing is probably about the same. Apparently girls are smaller in Europe, ha ha.
Kelly, on Thursday, May 04, 2006
I was there today and saw the new line, but only had time for a quick look. It looks small. The clothes are nothing special. Kinda similar to what lulla had.
Liz, on Thursday, May 04, 2006
I got the black cardigan with the sleve bows also and I was suprised I had to get an extra small, usually I am a small medium, so perhaps the sizing is a bit here and there. I have also been wearing the polka dot headband all day at work today and have yet to get a headache from it.
hound, on Thursday, May 04, 2006
One thing from the line that I am hoping to get into is the super cute orange jacket. I haven't tried it on however because of the price tag, I'm a clearance girl!
Laurie, on Thursday, May 04, 2006
I'm thin, but usually need big sizes because of the girls, and medium tops fit me. The stuff is cute, if a bit more expensive than your usual Target fare. I think far more wearable than a lot of the Luella stuff, which I though suitable for children. The tops and stuff are far more sophisticated.
SLynnRo, on Friday, May 05, 2006
I was at my favorite Target yesterday. They didn't have much Tara Jarmon stuff, and whatever they did have didn't really suit my tastes (I ended up buying a few Luella clearance items instead). However, I thought the ruffle bikinis and bottoms were really cute.
Sales Rack Raider, on Sunday, May 07, 2006
I bought the puffed sleeve tee in white yesterday and the blue dot headband. The tee is so perfect and I am a busty gal with a not so flat stomach and I find it to be flattering. I hope it makes it through a few washes though! It's kinda think.
Anyway so far so good. Will check back with more deets when more of her stuff gets in our store
RedCartRomance, on Monday, May 08, 2006
Thanks alot....like I need another reason to go to my Target! HAHAHA I'm going tomorrow to see them! And I love the bag!!!
Abby, on Sunday, May 14, 2006
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